Apply using the form below to be considered for Associate – General membership, or download a form. Please note: your annual dues* payment is due with your application in order for it to be considered.

Contact Meg Tran at or 410-761-2160 with questions. 

Associate – General Member Application
Company Address
The company listed above is interested directly or indirectly in the use of asphalt paving, including suppliers of materials, equipment, and/or services, and does not fit the membership category of Liquid Supplier, Equipment Manufacturer, Aggreate, or Consulting Engineer. The company further agrees to pay Associate Membership dues in accordance with the current rate set by the Directors. The company further agrees in applying for membership with the Maryland Asphalt Association, Inc., it will abide by the current Bylaws if elected to membership. *
An annual dues payment of $1100.00 must accompany your application in order to be considered. Please select how you would like to pay *
Credit Card Number, Expiration, and CVC

*Payment of membership dues are deductible for most members of a trade association like the Maryland Asphalt Association (MAA) under section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code as ordinary and necessary business. However, MAA estimates that 18.9% of a dues payment is not deductible as a business expense because of MAA’s lobbying activities on behalf of its members.

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